
The History of Japan and the American System

As depicted above, when Commodore Perry and the American fleet landed in Japan in 1854, he brought gifts from the United States to the Emperor of Japan. Among other items, the gifts included a quarter-sized operating railroad, a telegraph set with wire, modern agricultural tools, a water pump, and a sewing machine. This is in sharp contrast to the British Empire, whose only “gifts” to neighboring China were opium, slavery, and war.


In 1832, the famous American statesman Henry Clay coined the term “American System” to describe the successful economic policies implemented by the first U.S. Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, in opposition to the British “free trade” looting schemes of Adam Smith. The American System was characterized by the establishment of (1) a sovereign national bank, that intervened into the markets to support parity prices for farmers and others, and issued long-term low-interest credit for productive enterprises, especially for (2) internal improvements, such as canals, roads, and later railroads, and (3) the using of protective tariffs to nurture nationally vital industries. Germany’s Friedrich List (1789-1846), Irish-born Mathew Carey (1760-1839) and his son Henry C. Carey (1793-1879) further elaborated the American System of political economy. American Presidents who were the most notable exponents of the American System include George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When U.S. Commodore Perry opened Japan to the world in 1854, it was done as a conscious effort on the part of American leaders to assist Japan in becoming the first modern nation in Asia and would be a counterweight to the British Empire’s evil policies of opium pushing and trading in human flesh. Japan was able to quickly become a modern nation because the leaders of the Meiji Restoration adopted the American System of economics, as reflected in the government’s employment of Henry Carey’s student and collaborator, E. Peshine Smith, an expert in international law and the American System. By the end of the 19th century the leading advocate of the American System in Asian was Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder and first President of the Republic of China.

The current “free trade” system, know as “Globalization,” has been promoted by the British-Dutch financial oligarchy (with the aide of its Wall Street junior partners) as a deliberate effort to return humanity to a backward state of colonial empire, characterized by looting, slavery, and perpetual warfare.

The only economist, who predicted the present global economic collapse as well as offering a solution to our descent into a new Dark Age, has been the American leader Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Today, Mr. LaRouche represents an international movement to implement the ideas of the American System of economics based on human creativity in order to revive and rapidly expand the world’s physical economy for the benefit of all nations.