Sun Yat Sen – The Vital Problem Of China

“To exist” means not to perish. To make something grow out of
nothing is to develop. To prevent something from becoming nothing is to

Therefore, a country exists only when it is imperishable. The
factors contributing to the rise and fall of a nation, are innumerable. The
principal factor which enables a country to exist lies in the national
consciousness, in the indomitable spirit of independence on the part of its

“The Vital Problem Of China”

“To exist” means not to perish. To make something grow out of nothing is to develop. To prevent something from becoming nothing is to preserve.

Therefore, a country exists only when it is imperishable. The factors contributing to the rise and fall of a nation, are innumerable. The principal factor which enables a country to exist lies in the national consciousness, in the indomitable spirit of independence on the part of its Government and people. Only those nations which can neither be tempted with lucre nor overcome by force, can maintain their existence. Such a nation may be crushed almost out of existence, but it will eventually always rise again. Any country which pretends to be independent but lacks the qualities enumerated above, is doomed to extinction. This is not chopping logic. When a nation has an unconquerable spirit of independence, other nations will think it advisable to show respect for its independence. At any rate, other nations will refrain from violating its independence, on account of the international interests involved. Historical examples may be adduced to prove my theory, or, alternatively, the same conclusions can be reached by reasoning inductively from modern events.

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